The holiday season is coming, and that means it’s time to start working on your cleaning schedule before the festivities. While working on the menu is crucial, you will need to check if anyone has allergies, there’s another critical aspect of holiday preparation that often gets overlooked, and that’s cleaning. This is not the cleaning you might do on the weekends, which could be a quick pick up here and a quick wipe there. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and explore the places you should consider cleaning to make your home sparkle this holiday season.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is the epicenter of holiday activity, where delicious feasts are prepared and shared. Start by giving your kitchen appliances some TLC. Clean your stove, oven, and microwave inside and out. Check to make sure all of your appliances reach the appropriate temperatures. You want to avoid any food spoilage or food poisoning issues. It might be a good idea to pull out your appliances and see what dust bunnies are underneath and check the health of the cords. Sanitize your dishwasher as well. You want to check the water hoses to the refrigerator and dishwater to make sure there are no leaks. A clean kitchen not only ensures a safe cooking environment but also sets the stage for memorable holiday meals.

The Bathroom

Guests will inevitably use your bathroom, so let’s make sure it’s in top shape. Pay attention to bathroom fixtures – faucets, showerheads, and mirrors. Look for soap scum, calcium build up and any grout that needs to be fixed or cleaned. You’ll want to make sure to sanitize your bathroom completely before your guests arrive to ensure a pleasant experience. This means paying attention to everywhere that hands will go – the handles, the faucets, the medicine cabinets, the drawers (especially a guest bathroom), and check your shower curtain! A little extra shine here can make a big difference in leaving a positive impression on your visitors.


Your household carpets see a lot of foot traffic, especially during the holidays. Consider giving them the deepest clean to remove stains and refresh their appearance. A clean carpet not only looks great but also contributes to a cozy holiday atmosphere. Walk around your rooms and see if there are any snags or loose areas of your rug that could cause a tripping hazard for older adults. Check out the transitions from room to room if you have carpet in some rooms and hard floors or tiles in another room. Your guests could be busy talking with each other and not notice that the next room is slightly higher than the current room they are in. You could post signs or find some transition assists so walking from room to room is easier.

Dining Area

Do you pull out the good China to use at the holidays? It’s a very good idea to check the entire set before you begin using them to see if anything is chipped, cracked, or needs to be replaced. You certainly do not want anyone to have an accident or issue with the dining set.

Since the dining table is where cherished holiday meals are shared, ensure it’s clean and inviting by wiping down the table and chairs. Make sure all of the screws are tight and the legs do not have cracks or other damage that could turn into an issue when everyone sits down to enjoy their meal.

HVAC Maintenance

Will you need to turn on the heat? With colder weather outside, your HVAC system could be working overtime to keep your home warm and cozy. Replace HVAC filters to ensure clean and efficient air circulation. A well-maintained HVAC system not only keeps your home comfortable but also contributes to better indoor air quality.


Finally, don’t forget your windows. Cleaning them inside and out not only lets in more natural light but also provides a clear view of the winter wonderland outside. It’s a simple task that can make a big difference in the ambiance of your home. Check any sealant around the windows to see if there is an unnecessary gap. Make sure the windows are correctly in the track as well and your guests know to make sure the windows are completely closed if you are running the heat for maximum comfort for your guests.

A clean home is the perfect canvas for your holiday celebrations. By paying attention to these often-overlooked areas, you can create a warm, inviting, and hygienic environment for your family and friends. So, get some paper and a pen, put on some festive music, and get your home holiday-ready with a detailed list of your cleaning needs.